It’s the New Year, and I’m already looking forward to cycling, camping and the adventures that 2017 will bring. I love living a healthy lifestyle and I also enjoy writing it in a blog. Right now however, I would like your help! I need to know what you enjoy about my blog and what you would appreciate seeing more of in the months to come. Some of the best blogs in the world have been created by asking the readership what they like. So that’s precisely what I want to do and for that, I need your help!

The Beginnings
I have been cycling, participating in disability sports and living a healthy lifestyle for many years. I have always felt motivated to do sports fitness and loved the great outdoors. I have also been writing for many years and I have had numerous articles published in the National Press. As well as this, I have written a novel and many short stories. I started by putting my journalism work into a blog but, after a while I started to loose interest. Then I had an idea! If I love Outdoor Sport so much, why don’t I put that into a blog? That’s exactly what I did and I am having such fun at the same time.

The Act Of Writing
Doing the activities is great, but I also enjoy the process of writing and documenting my travels and adventures.
By writing my adventures in a blog:

  • It is a great way of keeping a record of all my activities
  • It helps me remember things I otherwise would forget
  • It lets other people see what I’ve been up to
  • It hopefully inspires other people to do explore the outdoors
  • It makes me happy because I enjoy doing it

Over To You
Now its your turn to write something about my blog. I would be so grateful if you would write a few words in the comments box below. You can be as honest as you like as you don’t even have to put your name to it! I want to write the best blog I possibly can so do me a massive favour and help point me in the right direction!

Thank You!