“David’s story is truly inspirational and a great lesson to us all.
That lesson is to get on and create the life you want, despite the huge challenges that you may face. For many, David’s challenges would have stopped them in their tracks, but David embraced them and created a great life, regardless.
Born with cerebral palsy and later diagnosed with dyslexia, David has navigated a very difficult road to reach the accomplishments that you will read about in this wonderful book.
The story covers David’s life of grit and determination that had brought a life of achievement that would make anyone proud.
The Greek philosopher Epictetus wrote “It’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters.”
David embodies that philosophy.”
You can get my Book on AMAZON here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09VWMW7PYWMW7PY